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C# BPS Handler

BPS Handler Operations

BPSFile class

The class BPSFile represents a structure of a BPS file.

Adding and removing data

To add or remove a value we use the function Add() passing the key and value. To remove, we use the function Remove() passing just the key. Example:

public void Foo()
    BPSFile file = new BPSFile();

    // Adding values
    file.Add("key", "value");
    // Left param is the key and Right param is the value
    file.Add("int", 10);
    file.Add("float", 1.5);
    file.Add("bool", true);
    file.Add("arr", new List<object> { 0, 1, 2 });

    // Removing values
    // We just need to pass the key to remove

Finding and checking if data exists

To retrieve a value we use the function Find() passing the key we want to retrieve. To check if a value exists in the file, we use the function Contains() passing the just key too. We do not need to check if a value exists before retrieve that, once we try to retrieve a no existing value, we will receive a null return.

public void Foo(BPSFile file)
    // Checking if a data exists in a BPSFile
    bool existsKey = file.Contains("key");
    // Retrieving the value
    // The return will be an object
    var value = file.Find("key");

    if (existsKey)
        Console.WriteLine("The key \"key\" exists.");
        Console.WriteLine("The key \"key\" do not exists.");

    return value;

BPS Class

Disk operations

To save the file on disk, we use the function Save(). There are two ways to use this function. The first one is using the class BPS, where we call the Save() function passing the BPSFile object and the path.

public void Foo(string path)
    // Loading a BPS file from disk
    BPSFile file = BPS.Load(path);
    // Adding a value
    file.Add("string", "example");
    // Saving new file
    BPS.Save(file, path);

Parsing operations

The BPS class has two methods to transform data. The method Parse() will parse a string containing data in BPS notation. The method Plain() will parse a BPSFile in a string containing the data in BPS notation.

public void Foo()
    string bpsNotationData = "intValue:256;";

    // Parsing a string in a BPSFile
    BPSFile file = BPS.Parse(bpsNotationData);
    // Writing in the console a string representation of a BPSFile
